MACE Provides Peace Of Mind
A MACE membership provides you with guaranteed legal defense in hearings for terminations, non-renewals, demotions, suspensions, or hearings before the Professional Standards Commission (PSC). No union comes close to the aggressive representation MACE offers teachers in grievance hearings. MACE assists members in filling out the grievance forms and represents the members in the hearings.
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The Teacher’s Advocate
The Founder and Chairman of MACE, Dr. John Trotter, is the indisputable leader in teacher advocacy in Georgia. He is a former teacher and administrator in Georgia. He has earned two doctorates; one from the University of Georgia and one from Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law. He is a seminal thinker in the area of public education. Dr. Trotter has written several hundred articles on the public schooling process. He is one of the nation’s leading authorities on teacher morale, teacher stress, and teacher advocacy.
MACE Picket Squads
The MACE Picket Squad has become a tale of folklore. Teachers still regale stories of principals with tears in their eyes when the MACE Strike Force arrived at their schools. People often ask why MACE pickets so much. The answer is simple: pickets work! They expose activities in certain schools, offer support to educators suffering under heavy-handed administrators, and teachers simply love the excitement of a picket!
Intervention & Assistance
MACE intervenes on behalf of its members via personal visits to the administrators and letters to principals, superintendents, et al. MACE typically copies these letters to school board members.
MACE Member Activities & Communication
MACE keeps its members informed through this website, letters, or newsletters. MACE offers periodic Teachers’ Rights Seminars at the Daniel D. Trotter, Sr. Conference Room at the MACE head office. The MACE Holiday Bash and the MACE Mix & Mingle are known for the great food, fun, and fellowship!
Teachers Need Peace Of Mind
MACE membership offers teachers peace of mind. Every membership is held in the strictest confidence. This is the main reason MACE does not use the school system to collect membership fees via payroll deduction. Your membership is confidential until you want administrators to know that MACE protects you. MACE has seen many an administrator “get religion” (so to speak) when he or she discovers that a teacher is a MACE Member!
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